Thursday 24 December 2015

Makarska Yachting Boot Mieten Makarska|Boot Mieten promajna|Motorboot Mieten Makarska

Die USA haben wunderschönen Seen und zahlreiche Seeseite und Uferorten. Gibt es einen besseren Weg, um die schöne Umgebung zu genießen, als sich die Bootsverleih Route. Im Gespräch mit einem Reisebüro, aber Sie können viele Fragen über das, was Sie zu tun beabsichtigen, wie lange Sie das Boot mieten möchten und welche Funktionen Sie möchten mit Ihrer Bootsverleih-Vertrag enthalten mag gefragt werden. Andere Fragen wie Anzahl der Familienmitglieder auf dem Boot und so weiter sind einfach. Allerdings müssen alle diese Kriterien abgewogen, um das Boot Ihrer Wahl bestimmen.Boot Mieten Makarska|Boot Mieten promajna|Motorboot Mieten Makarska Hier ist eine kurze Einführung in einige Bootsverleih Möglichkeiten ... Hausboote: Eine der besten Möglichkeiten, um Ihren Urlaub zu genießen, ist es auf einem Hausboot zu verbringen. Hausboote auf dem Mississippi River sind bekannt für ihre Tradition und als der beste Weg, um dieses große Fluss erkunden bekannt. Aber die kleine Bucht Flüsse und die vielen Seen in den USA sind ideal für die Erkundung auf einem Hausboot. Ihrer Bootsverleih ist wirklich ein Luxus-Apartment auf dem Wasser. Sie können jeden verfügbaren Anlage von einer Mikrowelle zum Kochen Ihre frisch gefangenen Fisch zu einer Waschmaschine und den neuesten Sound-Systeme haben. Diese Fertigkeit kann praktisch alles, was in der Art von Bequemlichkeit, die Sie zu Hause gewohnt sind, verfügen. Stellen Sie sich vor dem Aufwachen zu einem brillanten orange Sonnenaufgang auf dem See und gehen für ein Bad vor dem Frühstück. ... oder zu Bett gehen mit dem beruhigenden Klang der sanften Wellen streicheln gegen Ihr Hausboot. Es ist wirklich nicht viel besser, wenn die Bootsverleih ist ein Hausboot.Boot Mieten Makarska|Boot Mieten promajna|Motorboot Mieten Makarska Kayak: Für die mehr Fitness bewusste, das Kajak kann der Bootsverleih der Wahl sein. Es ist ein schmaler, in der Regel kleinen Bootes, die einen oder zwei oder Menschen ein Paddel zu verwenden, um es anzutreiben. Eskimos und Grönland Bewohner nutzten es als Allzweck Wasserfahrzeuge zum Fischen und Jagen. Es ist eine angenehme Übung Erfahrung, dass, wenn getan, wie ein Team erstellt eine Art von Kameradschaft, die schwierig ist, um an anderer Stelle zu erleben. Heutige Kajak können von umgebaut Kunststoff, Glasfaser oder Kohlefaser hergestellt werden. Ursprünglich war der Kajak wurde der Tierhaut. Diese Seekajaks können bis zu drei Personen Platz. Kajaks sind auch für das Surfen im Einsatz und haben sich bei der olympische Sportart wie Kajak bekannt entwickelt.

Wednesday 16 December 2015


Vis is situated further offshore than any other inhabited Adriatic island. It is called the hidden island because Tito established his supreme headquarters in one of the island’s many caves during the Second World War. Foreign visitors were forbidden on Vis until 1989. For that reason and because of it’s geographical remoteness, this island was isolated for many years. What once seemed to be a disadvantage for Vis has turned into an important advantage. This undiscovered island attracts visitors who prefer the unspoiled Mediterranean, specific island life, the fishing tradition and gastronomic specialties, as well as outstanding landscapes and seascapes. After an hour and half travel by sea, we reach the picturesque fishing village of Komiza. A picturesque Mediterranean town, it’s filled with narrow winding streets and attractive stone houses, squeezed among the harbor and with numerous beaches. This place is known as the legendary fishing capital of Croatia with its amazing wind powered boats that traveled around the entire Mediterranean. The town’s vivid cultural past can be experienced by visiting in the Fisherman’s museum in the Venetian tower on the seaside walkway. This small town will fascinate you with its history, charm, rich cultural heritage and its excellent sea food and wines. Among many well known specialties, we recommend a delicious fisherman’s cake with tomatoes and salted anchovies known the world over as Komiska pogaca. This is very special place that will delight you in many unexpected ways, and visitors tend to return here time and again. Around noon, our journey continues 5 Miles to sea to the ghostly island of Bisevo. Best known for its Blue Cave (Modra Spilja), it is large, spacious and simply spectacular. This marvelous cave is a must-see attraction on the island of Bisevo. Swimming in the Blue cave is another unforgettable experience, leaving its visitors breathless. The midpoint of the day is ideal for visiting this popular cave because sun beams its rays at the best angle so that our visitors’ cave experience is exceptional.Motorboot Mieten Makarska After visiting the island of Bisevo, our course leads us on a panoramic cruise to the south side of Island Vis. Our destination is the well known beach/cove of Stiniva where we will make a short swimming pause in its bay. Stiniva is unique due to its characteristic tiny sea entrance between high monumental rocks. As if enclosed by powerful tall rocks, age-old pine trees stand tall as its guards in this secret cove, which contains only the beach and a couple of small fishermen’s houses scattered about. Following the Vis shoreline another 3 miles to the east, we will arrive to an archipelago of 8 small islands. Our first destination there is the Green Cave on Ravnik island. Not unlike the Blue Cave, we will enter this interesting cave by boat. Our second destination is small islet called Budihovac, a small and uninhabited island, just off the south-eastern shore of Vis, across from the shores of Bargujac. In a real meaning of the word it’s a lagoon haven, naturally wind protected by the isles of Mali (Little) Budihovac and the Sanak reef. There we will make a pause for swimming or you can explore the island. Maybe you will see Barba Pave and his flock of sheep.Motorboot Mieten Makarska Our seabound excursion continues to the town of Vis which was founded on the remains of ancient Issa, an island city-state and the foremost Greek colony in the Adriatic. Today, it’s best known for its deep, protective harbor and rich cultural past spanning over the past 2300 years. It consists of two, distinct sections: the harbor (called “Luka”) and the older section of “Kut” (or “corner”). There we can enjoy a late lunch in one of its traditional taverns. You are welcome to taste and enjoy the aesthetically pleasing Vis cuisine, both simple and extraordinary. Only those who have never been in this small town can speak about it with indifference. After enjoying a pleasant afternoon in this memorable small town, we will visit the remains of the former military base. We will explore the underground submarine tunnel and bunkers in the bay nearby. There are many military objects on this island that reminds us of the island’s isolation over the past few decades. Many of these secret army tunnels are accessible only by boat. Around 18:00h we will be returning back home and expect to arrive back to the mainland of Trogir or Split no later than 19:30h. All those places have something in common – no crowded hordes of tourists, and a special local atmosphere that cannot be described. These are sights that are not among the usual, touristy sightseeing package. There are small and almost silent towns and coves. The people you meet in the summer will not be noisy tourists per se, but they might be people like you – just really enjoying the serenity of a such a unique


THE THREE ISLANDS OF BRUSNIK, SVETAC, AND JABUKA BELONG TO THE VIS ARCHIPELAGO AND FORM THE “VOLCANIC TRIANGLE”. Brusnik and Jabuka are the only two islands that consist completely of volcanic rock and are considered a protected heritage site in Croatia. Svetac (also known as Sveti Andrija or Saint Andrew’s Island) is the only inhabited island of the three, where only five members of Zanki family currently live. Jabuka is our first destination on the open sea. A volcanic island, it was formed during an ancient volcanic eruption. When a strong blast of lava erupted to the sea’s surface, it cooled down to form this rocky island. Since it consists of magnetite, which is black volcanic rock, the compass needle goes crazy as we approach. As you can imagine, all navigational equipment is completely useless here. The rocky terrain makes it impossible to drop an anchor here, but with our experienced skipper you’re in good hands. If you’re looking for excitement and have an adventurous spirit you’ll find something special here at Jabuka (which means apple due to its unusual shape). Here you will have the opportunity to swim in its warm waters and take an unbelievable photo at this one of a kind black triangular wonder which seems to simply emerge from the sea.Boot Mieten Makarska After visiting the unique magnet, we will visit Svetac “the saint”, which is located 16 miles to the east. Named after the brother of St. Peter, you’ll find a small 17th century church which was built in his honor. When we come to the Pavlebuk Cove on the southern coast of the island, you’ll notice the two Zanki family homes. This family has lived on the island for the past 250 years are now its sole owners. We will pay a visit on them and hear some tales from the past, including how the huge southern “jugo” storm in 1936 created a huge tidal wave, tragically killing six family members. Although they tried to save their boats in the small harbor, the waves were much stronger, smashing them to bits and dragging the men out to sea. After that, they built a defensive wall which exists to this day. Life on the island is very biologically friendly, which was until recently a lost art. The Zanki family’s lifestyle bears witness to the fact that man can indeed live in harmony with the natural environment. Here you may sample a fresh fish lunch from the daily catch. Savor their domestic vine, capers and olive oil. See for yourself how domestically prepared food tastes better! Wild capers are conserved in sea water, keeping them fresh and ready to eat for the entire year. Some are as large as a thumbnail. This island has a wildly distinctive natural beauty as evidenced by the work-worn hands of its occupants, who couldn’t imagine life any other way in this rugged paradise. From our boat, we bid farewell to Svetac and the legacy of the Zankis. Our next and destination is the bumpy Brusnik. This small uninhabited island is just 320m long and 205m wide, with the highest point about 30m above sea level. The most interesting animal here is the black lizard of Brusnik, so if you love nature, by all means bring your camera along. One of our recent guests was a National Geographic media crew which made a documentary about this endemic species. Rabbits may also be found here but due to their biological adaptation to their natural environment, the color of their fur is dark brown, making them hard to see. The old fishermen from Komiza used to spend months on this granite islet during lobster season. Using their beautiful wind powered white sailing boats known as the “Gajeta Falkusa”, they would leave at the end of October and continue fishing until early Spring. Nowadays, the only evidence of any human presence on this tiny islet are the lobster pools known as “jastozera,” which were used as temporary holding zones for the live, captive lobsters. This system was ideal for keeping them fresh while the fishermen continued fishing. These pools are surrounded with black Brusnik granite stones which can also be found on the islet’s only beach, which we will also visit.Motorboot Mieten Makarska There is a well-known quote by the Croatian poet Tin Ujevic. Describing the island of Brusnik in these words: “We have reached the ultimate edge of the Adriatic where we can say – There is nothing further beyond (this point)…” Like Tin discovered, you can also feel as if you have found yourself at the very edge of civilization, at the heart of the deep blue sea.

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Makarska Yachting-Boot Mieten Makarska|Boot Mieten promajna|Motorboot Mieten Makarska

ZUSÄTZLICHE INFORMATIONAUSSTATTUNGENPREISE Unser „Quicksilver 675 Activ Open“ ist der Allrounder unter den Motorbooten. Genießen Sie die schönen Buchten auf den Inseln Brac und Hvar ,erkunden Sie die Küstenstrände der Makarska-Riviera, entdecken Sie die großen Häfen von Dalmatien oder suchen Sie sich ein einsames Fleckchen und übernachten Sie auf dem Boot. Der „Quicksilver 675 Activ Open“ ist sowohl für Tagesausflüge als auch für laengere Ausfluege mit Übernachtungen auf dem Boot perfekt geeignet.

Motorboot Mieten Makarska Das Boot ist mit einem 150 PS starken Außenborder von Mercury Verado ausgestattet, der für maximal 8 Personen Platz bietet. Relaxen Sie auf der großen Liegefläche und lassen Sie den Alltag in weite Ferne rücken.Für die Sportler unter Ihnen bieten wir auch Wasserski, Wassertubes oder auch eine GoPro-Kamera an, die Sie zusätzlich auf Ihre Tour mitnehmen können. Falls Sie keinen gültigen Bootsführerschein besitzen, können Sie einen unserer erfahrenen Skipper buchen.

Motorboot Mieten Makarska